Selasa, 17 Mei 2011

Planning the Web (WEB PLAN)

Market Analysis
In general, site plan will start with market analysis, because it is the most fundamental part of every form of business activity. Usually included in the market analysis is the analysis of target markets (target market analysis), market research (market research), and estimates the market (market forecast).

Strategy website
The strategy of this website include such things as strategic focus, vision and mission, strategy development, and website marketing strategies.

Forecast sales (profit)
A plan is usually already include specific benefits as a form of sales, cost reduction, or other benefits in a structured plan, such as sorting by product, the website, type the user, the responsibilities of managers, or other elements.

Budget expenditures
This budget plan should also include enough detail to track expenses month by month and then follow up the plan with the actual analysis. The plan also contains specific website development, back end, front end, programs, tactics, management responsibilities, promotion, and other elements.

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