Sabtu, 09 April 2011

Pork Hazard to Your Health

Pork Hazard to Your Health
Pigs are filthy animals because usually eat everything given to him from the start carcass, his own feces to human waste. The psychic pig has a lazy disposition, did not like the sun, loved to eat and sleep, have a greedy nature, and do not have the will and fighting spirit, even to defend themselves though.

Physically pig keeps germs. Pigs are considered an animal that was not suitable for consumption. Among the parasites that are as follows:

Worm Taenia Sollum

These parasites form a bubble-shaped larvae in pork or egg-shaped granules in pig intestines. If someone ate pork without cooking it well, then the bubble walls will be digested by the human stomach. This event will hinder development of the body and will form a tapeworm whose length can reach more than 3 meters. This worm will be attached to the intestinal wall by his head and then absorb the elements of food in the stomach. It can cause a person to lack of blood and digestive disorders, because this worm could remove toxins.

If in a person, especially children, have been known to have these worms in the stomach then he will have Hysteria or feeling anxious. Sometimes larvae are present in human intestinal tract is about to enter the blood circulation and continue to spread throughout the body, including brain, liver, spinal cord, and lungs. In this condition can cause the deadly disease.

Worms Trichinia spiralis

These worms exist in pigs in the form of bubbles gently. If a person consumes pork without cooking it well, then the bubbles containing the worm larvae-this-to live in human flesh and muscle, insulation between the lungs and heart, and in other areas in the body. This worm attacks the muscles can cause tremendous pain and causing slower movement, plus it difficult to perform the activity. Moderate presence in the bulkhead will be narrowing the breathing, which could end in death.

Could be, worms of this type will not make a person dies in a short time. But be it known that small worms that developed in the muscles of a person's body after he consumed pig meat likely will stay there until the person died.

Schistosoma worms japonicus

This is a worm that is more dangerous than Schistosoma worms that dilkenal in Egypt. And the pig is the only animal that contains this worm. This worm can infect humans if they touch or wash hands with water containing the worm larvae derived from pig manure. This worm can sneak into the blood, lungs, and liver. This worm is growing very quickly, within a day could reach more than 20,000 eggs, and can burn skin, stomach and liver. Sometimes also attacks the brain and spinal cord resulting in paralysis and death.

Fasciolepsis Buski

These parasites live in the small intestine of swine in a long time. When there is mixing between the intestine and feces, the parasite will be in a certain form that is liquid that can transfer disease in humans. Most of these kinds of parasites found in China and East Asia regions. These parasites can cause indigestion, diarrhea, and swelling in the whole body, and can cause death.


The length of this worm is about 25 cm. This worm can cause pneumonia, sore throat and blockage of the stomach. This worm can not be eradicated in the body, except by way of operating.

Worms Anklestoma

The larvae of this worm into the body by burning the skin when a person is walking, bathing, or drinking contaminated water. These worms can cause diarrhea and bleeding in stool, which can lead to blood shortage, lack of protein in the body, swelling of the body, and causing a child to experience delays in physical and mental growth, weak heart and can eventually cause death.

Calornorchis Sinensis

This type of worm that slipped, and stayed in the water pig liver bile, which is the main source of transmission of the disease in humans. This worm is found in China and East Asia, because the people there used to maintain and consume pork. This virus can cause swelling of the human liver and jaundice, accompanied by severe diarrhea, the body becomes thin and ends with death.

Worm Paragonimus

These worms live in the lungs of pigs. This worm is widespread in China and Southeast Asia where many pigs are maintained and consumed. These worms can cause inflammation of the lungs. Until now has not found a way to kill worms in the lungs. But clearly this worm is not there, except in place of live pigs. These parasites can cause chronic lung hemorrhage, in which the sufferer will feel pain, saliva colored brown like rust, because there was bleeding in both lungs.

Swine Erysipelas

The parasite is present in pig skin. The parasite is always ready for burning on human skin that tries to approach or interact with it. These parasites can cause inflammation of human skin that showed red color and high body temperature.

Who's the germs that exist in pigs can cause various diseases, such as TB, Pox (Small pox), itch (scabies), and the Germs Rusiformas N.

In the various arguments, some people argue if modern equipment is far more advanced and could overcome these worms so that no longer dangerous, because the high heat generated by the tool. But this knowledge still needs deeper study. Until now there has not even an expert who can ensure the correct number of degrees of heat which is used as a standard measure to kill these worms. Yet according to the theory, properly cooked meat is not too fast but also not too long. Because if it is too fast feared parasites contained in the meat did not get to die while if too long all the nutritional content of meat will disappear, leaving only toxic (poison). If it so anyone who dared to ensure that pork is safe for consumption?

It is true that the cow's body also have worms. Wormwood is given the name T. Saginata. But the pork itself is sometimes also become a nest of worms of this type. Nevertheless there are clear differences between worms found in cattle and worms that exist in pigs. Saginata exist in pigs establish a process of life in the human body while the existing saginata in cattle can only live in the cow and do not live in the human body, even if already signed in the human body. The existence saginata in humans may be caused by a cooking process that is not good in the body of swine.

Besides that pork is the meat of the most difficult to digest, because a very high fat content of substance. The following table will explain the levels of fat found in meat pigs and other animals:

91% pork fat, goat fat 56%, 35% Beef fat

Pigs were 60%, being 29% Goat, Beef is 20%

Lean pork 29%, 14% lean Goat, Cow thin 6%

In addition, if left in the open air, the meat of the first foul is pork, followed by lamb and the last is beef. But if the meat is cooked, then the slowest cook is pork.

From the research also concluded that the goat meat and beef are in the stomach for 3 hours of perfect digestion process, while the pork can be in the stomach for 5 hours just to get the perfect digestion.

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