Selasa, 17 Mei 2011

Advantages / benefits the Internet

Advantages / benefits the Internet compared to other media:
1. Save money accumulated.
2. Save time.
3. It's easier in the search.
4. There is no additional cost to the tax or the other.
5. Bias whenever a transaction (without time limit).
6. No need for the business license.
7. Simplifying service.

Planning the Web (WEB PLAN)

Market Analysis
In general, site plan will start with market analysis, because it is the most fundamental part of every form of business activity. Usually included in the market analysis is the analysis of target markets (target market analysis), market research (market research), and estimates the market (market forecast).

Strategy website
The strategy of this website include such things as strategic focus, vision and mission, strategy development, and website marketing strategies.

Forecast sales (profit)
A plan is usually already include specific benefits as a form of sales, cost reduction, or other benefits in a structured plan, such as sorting by product, the website, type the user, the responsibilities of managers, or other elements.

Budget expenditures
This budget plan should also include enough detail to track expenses month by month and then follow up the plan with the actual analysis. The plan also contains specific website development, back end, front end, programs, tactics, management responsibilities, promotion, and other elements.

Net Business Model Companies

Net Business Model Companies:
Net Companies is a company that tried on the internet. The method according to Goldman Sachs's business:

a. Connectivity is a business model based on Internet access services to customers such as that run Internet Service Provider.
Example:, CBN,,

b. Context is a business model that provides services such as information and entertainment.
Example:,, cybermedia.

c. Content is a business model that provides the basis of the contents of text / images as a core business.
Example: Maketbiz.Net

d. Communication is a business model that provides Internet-based communication services using interactive media such as web media chat or voice chat, webphone.

e. Community is a business model that builds community buard digital with media messages, web chats, and web mail providers.

f. Commerce is a business model that make Internet-based business activities. Co:

Senin, 16 Mei 2011


Bank guarantee is one of the services provided by banks in the form of guarantees
payment of a certain amount of money that will be given to the party receiving
guarantees, which are guaranteed only if the parties do breach of contract. The agreement could be
into a sale - buy, lease, contract - contracting, chartering, and others - others. Party
that is guaranteed is usually a bank customer who besangkutan, while security
given to other parties who entered into an agreement with the customer
Types and Benefits of Bank Guarantee

Several types of bank guarantees that there are among others:

1. Bank Guarantee Purchase
Bank guarantees given to the supplier / manufacturer as a guarantee of payment for
purchase of goods by the customer or a party that is guaranteed by the bank.

2. Tobacco Excise Ribbon Bank Guarantee
Bank guarantees provided by the customs office as a guarantee of payment ribbon
tobacco excise tax on cigarettes sold by the cigarette manufacturer, in this party
which is guaranteed cigarette factory.

3. Bank Guarantee Duty Suspension
Bank guarantees given to the customs office as collateral
payment of duty on goods released from port property

4. Tender Bank Guarantee (Bid Bond)
Bank guarantees given to the project owner (bouwheer) for
interests of the contractor / leverensi who will participate in a tender for a project,
in this case the secured party is a contractor / leverensi it. One
requirements for contractors / leverensi to participate in the tender is submitted
bank guarantee.

5. Implementation of Bank Guarantee (Perfomance Bond)
Bank guarantees given to the project owner (bouwheer) for
interests of the contractor / leverensi to ensure the implementation of work / projects
by the contractor / leverensi, in this case the secured party is
contractor / leverensi.

6. Bank Guarantee Advance (Advance Payment Bond)
Bank guarantees given to the project owner (bouwheer) for
interests of the contractor / leverensi of advance payments received by
contractor / leverensi, in this case the secured party is
contractor / leverensi.

7. Bank Guarantee Maintenance (Retention Bond)
Bank guarantees provided by the project owner (bouwheer) for the benefit of
contractor / leverensi to ensure the maintenance of the project that has been
completed by the contractor / leverensi.

While the benefits include:
1. acceptance of administrative costs (fees / komosi) which is a fee-based
income for banks
2. precipitation storjam fund which is a cheap funding for banks
3. provide services to its customers so that customers become more loyal
to banks


BANKRUPTCY / bankrupt: all things related to the incident state stopped paying debts that have matured debetur.
Basic Law: Law No.1/1998, No. 217, No. 348/1906

The terms for the debtor to be declared bankrupt:
1. the debtor is not paying debts
2. existence of more than one debt
3. existence of more than one creditor
4. at least one matured debt
5. at least one debt is collectible

The parties involved in the bankruptcy process is entitled to file bankruptcy:
1. debtor's own
2. one or more creditors
3. attorney representing the public interest
4. Bank Indonesia
5. Capital Market Supervisory Agency

Due to the Law of Political decisions: the debtor loses hak'y to do something to control "their wealth manager.

So the management is represented by the Curator:
1. Orphan legacy / BHP
2. individuals who have specific expertise

Property that does not include property Bankrupt:
1. Everyday clothing & bedding
2. office equipment
3. work equipment
4. food supplies less than 1 month
5. books
6. copyright
7. amount of money that the judge assigned to the script supervisor
8. amount of money giving their children
9. salaries, wages, fees

Services - Banking Services

Services - Banking Services
Transfer is a service of the bank to move some funds
in accordance with the orders of the giver mandate intended to benefit
someone who is appointed as receiver transfer.
Both transfer money in or out will result in the relationship between
branches that are reciprocal, meaning that when one branch of another branch debit

One type of money that can simplify the shipping traffic
payment is by sending money out. Media to perform
This transfer is in writing or via wire.

Cancellation Transfers out:
In the event of cancellation of the transfer, it should be noted that the cancellation
can only be done if the transfer has not been paid out to the recipient
money and to mandate that the bank must give the command form of "stop
payment "to the branch payment. Payment cancellations are new to
conducted by the bank to the customer mandate giver mandate only
if the news was received confirmation from the paying bank that is
transfer has not been paid.

Transfer entrance, where the bank received the message from one branch to
pay some money to one's beneficiary. In this case the bank
payer will provide for the transfer to the beneficiary customer account
if he has a bank account paying.
Transfer entry no longer subject to the commission because the customer mandate giver
has charged a number of commissions at the time of giving the mandate of the transfer.

Cancellation Transfer Log:
In the event of cancellation, the first - the first thing to do is check
whether the transfer has been paid to the beneficiary. If they are not,
will be blocked and reversed to then be returned to the branch
giver mandate through transfer.

International Trade

International trade is a trade done by a resident of a country with a population of other countries on the basis of mutual agreement. Population is meant to be antarperorangan (individual to individual), between individuals and the government of a country or a country's government with other governments.
According to Amir MS, when compared with the implementation in domestic trade, the international trade is very complicated and complex. The complexity is caused by the following things.
• Buyers and sellers separated by state boundaries
• Goods must be shipped and transported from a country other kenegara through various regulations such as customs, which originated from the restrictions issued by each government.
• Between one country to country there are differences in language, currency, estimates and scales, the law in trade and so forth.

The benefits of international trade
According Sadono Sukirno, the benefits of international trade is as follows.
Getting the goods can not be produced in their own country
Many of the factors that influence production yield differences in each country. These factors include: condition of geography, climate, level of mastery of science and technology and others. With the international trade, each country is able to meet their own needs that are not produced.
Obtaining the benefits of specialization
The primary reason for foreign trade activities is to obtain profits realized by specialization. While a country can produce a product the same kind as those produced by other countries, but they can sometimes be better if the country is importing goods from abroad.
For example:
United States and Japan have the ability to produce fabric. However, Japan can produce more efficient than the United States. In these circumstances, to enhance the efficiency of the use of production factors, the United States needs to reduce the production of cloth and importing goods from Japan.
By conducting specialization and trade, each country can obtain the following benefits
• The factors of production that each country can be used more efficiently.
• Each country can enjoy more goods than can be produced domestically.
Expand markets and increase profits
Sometimes, employers do not run the machines (production tools) with the maximum because they are afraid will happen over-production, resulting in falling prices of their products. With the international trade, the entrepreneur can run the machines to the maximum, and sell surplus products abroad.
Transfer of modern technology
Foreign trade allows a country to learn a more efficient production techniques and management methods are more modern.
Driving factors of International Trade
Many factors that encourage a country to international trade, including the following:
• To meet the needs of domestic goods and services
• The desire to obtain profits and increase state revenues
• The big difference in the ability of mastering science and technology in the process of economic resources
• The existence of excess domestic product that it needs new markets to sell the product.
• The big difference in circumstances such as natural resources, climate, labor, culture, and the number of people that cause the difference in production output and production limitations.
• The common sense of a product.
• The desire to open cooperation, political relations and support from other countries.
• The occurrence of the era of globalization so that no one country in the world to live alone.

Multinational Companies
PMN is a multinational company or a company that tried in many countries, the company is usually very large. Such companies have offices, factories or offices in many countries. They usually have a central office where they coordinate global management.
A very large multinational companies have funds through funds of many countries. They can have strong influence in global politics, because of their economic influence is very large like the politicians, as well as financial resources are very well off for public relations and political lobbying.
Because the international reach and mobility of PMN, the region in the country, and the state itself, must compete for these companies may place their facilities (with as well as income tax, employment, and other activities of Economy) in the region. To be able to compete, countries and regional political districts sometimes offer incentives to PMN, such as tax cuts, government assistance or improved infrastructure or labor and environmental standards are adequate.
PMN often use subcontractors to produce certain goods they need.
Multinational enterprises first appeared in 1602 that the Dutch East Indies Company.
• Apple Computer, Coca-Cola, Dell, Exxon, Fiat, General Electrix
• General Motors, Honda, IBM, McDonald's, Microsoft, Nestle
• Nissan, Nokia, Philips, Shell, Sony, Toshiba, Toyota, etc.

Rabu, 04 Mei 2011

Conditional Sentences

Conditional Sentences


Conditional Sentences merupakan kalimat yang digunakan untuk menyatakan pengandaian suatu peristiwa yang belum terjadi atau bahkan tidak mungkin terjadi. Kalimat pengandaian ini memiliki beberapa bentuk yang mewakili beragam bentuk waktu, dengan kata lain, bentuk kalimat pengandaian ini akan tergantung pada bentuk waktu peristiwa yang diandaikan. Berikut ini merupakan beberapa pola Conditional Sentences.




Main clause selalu mempunyai modal auxiliary
If clause selalu berupa : simple present, simple past, atau past perfect

1. conditional sentences type 1 : true in the present or future

S + MODAL V1 + V1 . . IF + S + V1 ATAU TO BE V1

Mengubah kata if dengan on condition that, provided, atau unless

contoh :
conditional : I may study in university if i graduate from senior high school
fact : i may study in university on condition that i graduate from senior high school

2. conditional sentences type 2 : untrue in the present

S + MODAL V2 + V2 . . IF + S + V2 ATAU TO BE V2

1. Ubah kata if menjadi because
2. Ubah tense menjadi simple present dan hilangkan modal
3. Ubah kalimat negatif menjadi positif dan sebaliknya

contoh :
conditional : I might study in university if i graduated from senior high school
fact : I don't study in university because i don't graduate from senior high school

III. Conditional bisa merujuk ke-:

· Causal conditional, jika X maka Y, dimana X merupakan penyebab Y

· Conditional mood (or conditional tense), suatu bentuk kata kerja dalam banyak bahasa

· Conditional probability, robabilitas dari suatu kejadian A mengingat bahwa lain peristiwa B telah terjadi

· Conditional sentence, mendiskusikan situasi hipotetis dan konsekuensinya mereka

· Indicative conditional, conditional dalam bentuk "Jika A maka B" dalam alam bahasa Indikatif o kontrak fakta bersyarat, atau subjungtif bersyarat, menunjukkan apa yang akan terjadi jika yg di perusahaan telah benar

· Conditional proof, dalam logika: bukti yang menegaskan bersyarat, dan membuktikan bahwa pendahuluan yang mengarah ke konsekuen.

· Material conditional, dalam kalkulus proposisional, atau kalkulus logis dalam matematika

· Strict conditional, dalam logika

· Relevance conditional, dalam relevansi logika

· A conditional statement dalam bahasa pemrograman komputer

· A conditional expression dalam bahasa pemrograman komputer

· Conditions , dikontrak

IV. Macam-macam Tenses :

1. Future Conditional (Conditional Type 1)

merupakan the real conditional. Pengandaian ini menyatakan sesuatu mungkin terjadi pada waktu mendatang ataupun sekarang jika syarat/kondisi terpenuhi

Pola :


S1 + V1 + if + S2 + {will/may/can/must} + V1


S1 + V1 + be + if + S2 + {will/can/may/must} + V1

2. PRESENT CONDITIONAL (Conditional Type 2)

pengandaian yang menyatakan sesuatu yang bertentangan dengan apa yang ada/terjadi sekarang atau belakangan ini.

Pola :


if + S1 + V2 + S2 + {would/could/might} + V1/be

For Fact : use don't or does


if + S1 + were +Adj/Noun + S2 + {would/could/might} + be + Adj/Noun

For Fact : use be

3. PAST CONDITIONAL (Conditional Type 3)

Pengandaian yang menyatakan sesuatu yang bertentangan dengan apa yang telah terjadi/sesuatu yang sudah berlalu

Pola :


if + S1 + had + V3 + S2 + {would/could/might} + have V3

For Fact : use Past Tense


if + S1 + had been + Adj/Noun + S2 + {would/could/might} + have been + Adj/Noun

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