Sabtu, 12 Maret 2011

The family

The family is the smallest unit of society which consists of heads of families and a few people gathered and lived in a place under one roof in a state of interdependence.

According Salvicion and Celis (1998) in the family there are two or more than two persons are joined by blood, marriage or appointment, at his life in a single household, interacting with one another and within their respective roles and to create and maintain a culture.

Basically there are eight family duty basic tasks as follows [citation needed:

1. Physical maintenance of the family and its members.
2. Maintenance of resources that exist within the family.
3. The division of duties of each member in accordance with their respective position.
4. Socialization among family members.
5. Setting the number of family members.
6. Maintenance order family members.
7. Placement of family members in the wider society.
8. Generating encouragement and enthusiasm of its members.

Family-run function is:

1. Function of Education visits from how to educate families and send their children to prepare for adulthood and future children.
2. The function of socialization of children seen from how families prepare children to become good members of society.
3. Protection function seen from how families protect children so that family members feel protected and feel safe.
4. Feelings function of how the family viewed the instuitif feel the feeling and atmosphere of children and other members in communication and interaction among family members. So that mutual understanding of each other in growing harmony in the family.
5. Function of Religious views of how to introduce and invite families of children and other family members through family heads instill confidence that regulates life and now another life after the world.
6. Economic Functions views of how the heads of families looking for income, manage earnings in such a way as to meet the needs of family-rkebutuhan.
7. Function recreational visits from how to create a pleasant atmosphere in the family, such as watching TV shows together, telling stories about their experiences, and other.
8. Biological function of how the family viewed as the next generation continue the descent.
9. Providing love, attention, and sense of security diaantara families, and foster maturation of the personality of the family.

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