Minggu, 27 Februari 2011

past tense and present perfect tense

Nama / NPM : Sharralisa / 21208159

Past tense (PST )adalah tata bahasa tegang yang menempatkan suatu tindakan atau situasi di masa lalu saat saat ini (dengan tegang mutlak sistem), atau sebelum beberapa kejadian lain, apakah itu adalah masa lalu, sekarang, atau masa depan .

Rumus Past Tense:

Positif: S + V2

Negatif: S + did not + V1

Tanya: Did + S + V1

Contoh kalimat Positif :

- I saw her standing there

- My Father bought this car last year

- They went to Tokyo last month

Contoh kalimat Negative :

- I did not see her standing there

- My father did not buy this car last year

- They did not go to Tokyo last month

Contoh kalimat Tanya :

- Did I see her standing there ?

- Did My Father BUY this car last year ?

- Did they go to Tokyo last month ?

Dalam bahasa Inggris, ada dua bentuk kata kerja yang biasanya disebut "past tense".

Simple past dibentuk untuk verba teratur dengan menambahkan-d atau - ed ke akar kata. Contoh : He walked to the store, or They danced all night.. negasi A diproduksi dengan menambahkan did not dan kata kerja dalam bentuk infinitive nya. Contoh : He did not walk to the store. Question sentences are started with did as in Did he walk to the store?

Simple past digunakan untuk menjelaskan tindakan yang telah disimpulkan dan yang tepat waktu terjadinya diketahui. Furthermore, simple past is used for retelling successive events. Selanjutnya, masa lalu yang sederhana digunakan untuk menceritakan kembali peristiwa yang berurutan. That is why it is commonly used in storytelling. Itulah sebabnya mengapa umumnya digunakan dalam bercerita.

Past progressive dibentuk dengan menggunakan formulir yang memadai to be dan hadiah participle verba : He was going to church. Dengan memasukkan not sebelum kata kerja utama negasi adalah tercapai. Contoh : He was not going to church. Sebuah pertanyaan dibentuk dengan awalan bentuk yang memadai to be seperti dalam, Was he going?.

Past progressive digunakan untuk menggambarkan peristiwa yang sedang dalam proses terjadi ketika acara baru terjadi. Acara sudah terjadi disajikan dalam progresif masa lalu, yang baru di masa lalu yang sederhana. Example: We were sitting in the garden when the thunderstorm started. Kami Menggunakan mirip dengan bahasa lain ' tidak sempurna .

Present perfect dibentuk dengan menggabungkan have/has dengan's participle bentuk utama kata kerja masa lalu: I have arrived.. negasi A not diproduksi dengan menyisipkan setelah have/has: I have not arrived. Pertanyaan di saat yang sempurna dirumuskan dengan memulai sebuah kalimat dengan have/has : Has she arrived?

Present perfect digunakan untuk menggambarkan masa lalu itu tindakan efek di masa kini: He has arrived. Now he is here . Ini berlaku untuk peristiwa yang baru saja menyimpulkan serta untuk acara-acara yang belum terjadi.

Present perfect progressive dibentuk dengan awalan memiliki / memiliki sebelum participle gramatikal telah dan hadir partisip bentuk kerja adalah: Kami telah menunggu. and negasi A dinyatakan oleh termasuk not antara have/has dan been : They have not been eating. Seperti dengan present perfect simple, untuk membentuk sebuah pertanyaan, have/has diletakkan pada awal kalimat: Have they been eating?

Present perfect progressive digunakan untuk menggambarkan sebuah peristiwa yang telah terjadi sampai sekarang dan dapat dilanjutkan di masa mendatang. Hal ini juga menempatkan penekanan pada bagaimana suatu peristiwa telah terjadi. Sangat sering since dan for menandai penggunaan ini yang sempurna progresif: I have been waiting for five hours / I have been waiting since three. Selain itu, ada versi lain dari lampau yang mungkin: masa lalu yang sempurna, mirip dengan bahasa lain ' pluperfect

Past perfect dibentuk dengan menggabungkan bentuk terakhir sederhana untuk memiliki dengan bentuk partisip masa lalu dari kata kerja utama: Kami telah berteriak.. negasi A tercapai oleh termasuk tidak setelah itu: You had not spoken . Pertanyaan di masa lalu yang sempurna selalu memulai dengan had: Had he laughed?

Past perfect digunakan untuk menggambarkan peristiwa terpencil yang telah terjadi sebelum sesuatu yang lain diikuti. Acara yang dekat dengan sekarang adalah diberikan dalam sederhana lampau: After we had visited our relatives in New York, we flew back to Toronto.

Past perfect progressive dibentuk oleh miliki, partikel gramatikal telah dan present participle dari kata kerja utama: Anda telah menunggu. Untuk negas, not termasuk sebelumnya been : I had not been waiting . Sebuah kalimat pertanyaan yang dibentuk dengan memulai dengan had : Had she been waiting?

Jika penekanan diletakkan pada durasi tindakan disimpulkan dari masa lalu since dan for yang sinyal kata untuk masa lalu yang sempurna progresif : We had been waiting at the airport since the 9 PM flight., They had been waiting for three hours now.

Present perfect tense digunakan untuk menunjukan suatu kejadian atau peristiwa

yang terjadi pada waktu lampau dan masih berlangsung sampai sekarang.

Present Perfect Tense menekankan pada PERFECT nya itu. Perfect kan artinya “sempurna”. Bukan sempurna karena cantik seperti Gita Gutawa, tetapi sempurna yang berarti “selesai, sudah, beres, baru saja usai, dsb”. Jadi, kalau menekankan pada “SUDAH” nya itu maka gunakanlah Present Perfect Tense ini. Contoh yang paling mengena misalnya: Dia baru saja pergi (She has just gone).

Nah, setelah Subject (S) maka pakai “have” atau “has” sesuai pasangannya. Have dalam konteks ini artinya adalah: sudah, telah, barusan.. Jadi:

Has : He, She, It,
Have : I, You, We, They

Rumusnya Present Perfect Tense:
Positif: S + have/has + V3
Negatif: S + have/has Not + V3
Tanya:   Have/has + S + V3

Contoh Present Perfect Tense
Positif: She has gone (Dia baru saja pergi)
Negatif: She has not gone
Tanya: Has She gone?

Contoh kalimat positif :
- I have cleaned the floor
- He has drunk milk
- You have just broken the glass

Contoh kalimat negative :

- I have not cleaned the floor

- He has not drunk milk!

- You have not just broken the glass

Contoh kaliamat Tanya :

- Have I cleaned the floor ?

- Has She drunk milk?

- Have you just broken the glass ?

Review : Tense Forms

Nama / NPM : Sharralisa / 21208159

Review: Tense Forms

Change the verbs in these sentences (a) to the past tense, (b) to the future tense, and (c) to the perfect present tense.

(rumus) positif :

past tense : S + V2 + ….

Future Tense : S + will + V1 + …

Perfect Present tense : S + have/has + V3 + …

1. They Use that one.

a. They used that one

b. They will use that one

c. They have used that one

2. we study English together

a. we studied English together

b. we will study English together

c. we have studied English together

3. they discuss their work

a. They discussed their work

b. They will discuss their work

c. They have discussed their work

4. They have enough time.

a. They had enough time

b. They will have enough time

c. They have had enough time

5. I do all of the lessons

a. I did all of the lessons

b. I will do all of the lessons

c. I have done all of the lessons

6. he sits in that row

a. he sit in that row

b. he will sit in that row

c. he has sit in that row

7. I drive my car

a. I drove my car

b. I will drive my car

c. I have driven my car

8. she hides her money.

a. She hid her money

b. She will hide her money

c. She has hidden her money

9. we go to school.

a. We went to school

b. We will go to school

c. We have gone to school

10. he takes much time.

a. He took much time

b. He will take much time

c. He has taken much time

(Rumus) Tanya :

past tense : Did + S + V1 + ….?

Future Tense : will + S + V1 + …?

Perfect Present tense : have/has + S + V3 + …?

  1. Do you enjoy that work ?

a. Did you enjoy that work ?

b. Will you enjoy that work ?

c. Have you enjoyed that work ?

  1. Does he write many letters ?

a. Did he write many letters ?

b. Will he write many letters?

c. Has he written many letters ?

  1. Do you send many letters ?

a. Did you send many letters ?

b. Will you send many letters?

c. Have you sent many letters ?

  1. Do they explain everything ?

a. Did they explain everything?

b. Will they explain everything?

c. Have they explained everything?

  1. Does she attend that class ?

a. Did she attend that class?

b. Will she attend that class?

c. Has she attended that class?

  1. Do you have enough time ?

a. Do you have enough time?

b. Will you have enough time?

c. Have you had enough time?

  1. Do they copy the sentences ?

a. Do they copy the sentences?

b. Will they copy the sentences?

c. Have they copied the sentences?

  1. Does she have much trouble ?

a. Do she have much trouble?

b. Will she have much trouble ?

c. Has she had much trouble?

  1. Does she do good work ?

a. Do she do good work?

b. Will she do good work?

c. Has she done work?

  1. Do the students practice ?

a. Do the students practice?

b. Will the students practice?

c. Have the students practice?

(Rumus) Negative :

past tense : S + did not + V1 + ….

Future Tense : S + will + not + V1 + …

Perfect Present tense : S + have/has not + V3 + …

  1. He doesn’t work hard.

a. He didn’t work hard

b. He will not work hard

c. He has not worked hard

  1. I don’t have any energy.

a. I didn’t have any energy

b. I will not have any energy

c. I have not had any energy

  1. He doesn’t pay his bills.

a. He didn’t pay his bills.

b. He will not pay his bills.

c. He has not paid his bills.

  1. We don’t see that fellow.

a. We didn’t see that fellow

b. We will not see that fellow

c. We have not seen that fellow

  1. She doesn’t use this one.

a. She didn’t use this one

b. She will not use this one

c. She has not used this one

  1. They don’t remember it.

a. They didn’t remember it

b. They will not remember it

c. They have not remembered it

  1. I don’t do much work here.

a. I didn’t do much work here.

b. I will not do much work here.

c. I have not done much work here.

  1. He doesn’t listen carefully.

a. He didn’t listen carefully

b. He will not listen carefully

c. He has not listened carefully

Sabtu, 26 Februari 2011


Nama/NPM : Sharralisa / 21208159

1. Accountant = Akuntan

2. Air Conditioning = AC

3. Bag = Tas

4. Bathroom = Kamar Mandi

5. Bookcase = Rak Buku

6. Calendar = Kalender

7. Camera = Kamera

8. Canteen = Kantin

9. Carpet = Karpet

10. Chair = Kursi

11. Computer = Komputer

12. Computer Engineering = Teknik Komputer

13. Curtain = Gorden

14. Diesel = Diesel

15. Dining Room = Ruang Makan

16. Dining Table = Meja makan

17. Director = Direktur

18. Discussion Room = Ruang Diskusi

19. Drinking Water = Air Minum

20. Electricity = Listrik

21. Elevator = Lift

22. Employees = Karyawan

23. Engineering = Teknik Mesin

24. Eraser = Penghapus

25. Fan = Kipas Angin

26. File = Berkas

27. Filing Cabinet = Lemari Arsip

28. Finance = Keuangan

29. Fork = Garpu

30. Frame = Bingkai

31. Garden = Taman

32. Glass = Gelas

33. Gym = Tempat Olahraga

34. Hall = Aula

35. Handphone = Telepon Genggam

36. Highlighter = Stabilo

37. Infokus = Infokus

38. Jacket = Jas

39. Keyboard = Keyboard

40. Kitchen = Dapur

41. Kitchen Appliances = Peralatan Dapur

42. Knife = Pisau

43. Ladder = Tangga

44. Lamp = Lampu

45. Laptop = Laptop

46. Magazine = Majalah

47. Manager = Manajer

48. Markers = Spidol

49. Meeting Room = Ruang Meeting

50. Modem = Modem

  1. Money = Uang

52. Mosque = Mushola

53. Motorcycle = Seped Motor

54. Mouse = Mouse

55. Newspaper = Koran

56. O’clock = Jam

57. Office Boy = Pesuruh Kantor

58. Office space = Ruang Kantor

59. Official Car = Mobil Dinas

60. Overtime = Lembur

61. Paper = Kertas

62. Paper Clip = Klip Kertas

63. Parking Lot = Tempat parkir

64. Parlor = Ruang tamu

65. Pen = Pulpen

66. Pencil = Pensil

67. Photo = Foto

68. Photocopiers = Mesin Fotokopi

69. Plant = Tanaman

70. Plate = Piring

71. Pool = Kolam

72. Printer = Pencetak

73. Refrigerator = Lemari Es

74. Ruler = Penggaris

75. Ruler = Penggaris

76. Safe = Brankas

77. Salary = Gaji

78. Scissors = Gunting

79. Seat Cushion = Bantal Kursi

80. Secretary = Sekretaris

81. Security Guard = Satpam

82. Security Station = Pos Satpam

83. Shoes = sepatu

84. Sofa = Sofa

85. Spoon = Sendok

86. Staff = Staf

87. Table = Meja

88. Telephone = Telepon

89. Television = Televisi

90. The Information = Bagian Informasi

91. Tie = Dasi

92. Trash Can = Tempat Sampah

93. Treasurer = Bendahara

94. Vase = Vas

95. Waiting Room = Ruang Tunggu

96. Wall Clock = Jam Dinding

97. Wall Decoration = Hiasan Dinding

98. Whiteboard = Papan Tulis

99. Wifi = Jaringan Lokal Nirkabel

100.Window = Jendela