Senin, 10 Januari 2011

Congratulation Letter

Dear Mas Affan and Mbak indri,

From the innermost heart I congratulate the arrival of little baby joy in your life. I know you two waiting for this moment for a long time and I am glad to see your dreams come true.

This is certainly a great moment of happiness and you both have to be really happy. I am very pleased to hear that Masahiro little is okay, and I want her to live a healthy and happy future. You have to be really proud of him!

Definitely should be a busy time for you both, but I believe you should enjoy it all, and every time. I hope you both enjoyable and memorable day ahead with a precious lot of your small.

Congratulations again!


Request Letter

"Dear Uncle Yogi,

I am writing to you because I created a tribute album to my father, Sufiardi. Like her sister, I am sure that you have pictures, stories and facts that will increase this album. I want to give this album to my father on November 7, 2016, when he retired from the Department of Industry Trade. Please forward a copy of the photo to me by November 7, 2011 so I can start this project. The stories can be recorded on tape or video or I can call you for an interview at the appropriate time, please let me know what is best for you. Thank you for your assistance in this project, I know that Dad would appreciate that.


Sharralisa "

Formal letter

Mrs Sharralisa
18 St. Cibalagung
Bogor 16911

10th January 2011

Our ref: US / HK 1082
Your ref: SP / T

Dear Mr Dimas Risza Nugraha,

Your order

We are pleased to acknowledge your order no. 202 dated 8th January 2011. Your order is already dealt with. We will inform you when the consignment is ready for delivery.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require further information.

We thank you for your custom and again look forward to being of service to you in the future.

Yours sincerely,


Informal Letter

Informal Letter

Hi Andi Asya Muthia Agung,

Been a long time since we wrote, so I thought I would drop you a line to bring you up to date with what has happened here.
I think in bogor air will be cooler than in Jakarta, Bogor city turns into heat. and often once the weather is not clear. sometimes hot, rain suddenly. public transport semkain lot, which always makes bogor city congestion. oh .. really getting messed up this city. how are you old friend?
My parents are both fine, and I think they're really pleased that we have moved back. For us, good to be so close to family again, a sense of extra comfort and security.
So, how are you today? Are you still stuck in a complicated life? Because I had so much difficulty.
goodbye old friend who I miss very always. kiss you. :)


Sharralisa achmad